Butterfly effect
I’m sitting on hold trying to activate my new ATM card, because I accidentally threw the last one away while I was cleaning out my truck looking for my lost keys. Am I normally this disorganized? I don’t know. It’s hard to take an unbiased look at one’s self.
The operator is telling me that CA accounts can no longer be activated over the phone– I have to go to an ATM machine. This throws off my entire day, because I’m warm and cozy in my NYC hotel room and things look harsh outside. I already opted for a tan in a bottle when the tanning salon was too far by cab. There is a pressing need to get this card activated… not that I don’t have others but all of my automatic payments are made off of this account– maybe that’s why I never noticed my own disorganization before.
The plan was to activate the card, update billing info, crack open text book, do homework, shower, go to porn signing. Now that I have to leave the hotel to accomplish life I fear my entire future might be thrown off course. Fate is fragile.